Monday, November 23, 2009

The lovely Bones

The penguin had no one to worry about, but himself. There was nobody around to hurt him or put him down in anyways. It was perfect because he was in there alone and would never have to know of all of the hurt that can come from the outside world.

Susie is trapped in heaven, since she can't go back. I don't think she feels trapped tho. It is perfect because anything she wants is there when she thinks of it, but her family not being there make it so much more not perfect. I think if she had her family and friends there with her then it would be perfect. She died so young and in a terrible way and didn't get to live the rest of her life out making heaven not perfect.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


100 things I want to do....

1. graduate
2. go to nursing school
3. go to Hawaii again
4. bungee jump
5. learn French
6. Visit Japan
7. go to Ireland
8. stay the night in New York in an expensive hotel
9. win the lottery
10. be in a movie
11. sky dive
12. get my tongue pierced
13. go snorkeling
14. stay in one of the ice hotels in Alaska
15. learn to belly dance
16. go white water rafting
17. go to mardi gras in New Orleans
18. go to Egypt and visit the pyramids
19. take my nephew to Disney World
20. go to Spain
21. get married at an exotic place
22. live in a mansion
23. learn to act
24. meet a lot of celebrities
25. go to the olympics
26. play volleyball for a college
27. have 100 pairs of shoes
28. get in a fight
29. learn to play soccer
30. go to seaworld
31. ride every roller coaster in the U.S.
32. go on a cruise
33. learn to surf
34. Go to Rome and swim in one of the big baths
35. swim in the world's largest swimming pool off the coast of chile
36. learn to read tarot cards
37. play with a wigi board
38. build my own house
39. learn how to make wine
40. own a shelby cobra
41. learn how to do calligraphy
42. stay the night with David Beckham
43. meet Angelina Jolie
44. get the newest labtop
45. have all my family together at once
46. make him happy =]
47. be an awesome mother
48. go to a luke bryant concert
49. hang with famous people for a whole day
50. have an awesome makeover done
51. own a store